Week In Review – 16 Jun 2019

Week 8 concludes my endurance phase of the marathon training.   My aerobic capacity and fuel management (i.e. fat burning) are coming along nicely.  Take yesterday’s 17 miles for instance: it was tiring but better compared to the 16 miles I ran the week before.

Coming up next is the Stamina phase where I will push my lactate threshold and become more efficient in fuel management as I run faster.  Meanwhile, I am counting on the cooperating weather to last a bit longer.

Albeit my training progress is on track, the world around me seems to be quite volatile.  At home, the angers toward President Trump is getting more vocal.  Talks of impeachment is a hot topic, at least around Washington.  That is relative tame however compared to what is happening abroad.

In Hong Kong, for instance, millions of people are flooding the streets in protesting against the Chinese government.  And in Sudan, people are losing their lives in pursue of  democracy.  With the digital technology and the internet, information spreads at lightning speed.  

Seeing the struggles of others makes me  appreciate my own situation, in particular the difference between freedom and democracy and the significance of image versus writing.  I believe as John Milton once said, “Good, the more communicated, more abundant grows.”

Have a nice week.  

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