Gaza’s Food Catastrophe

Fatma Hijazi holds the lifeless body of her 10-year-old child, Mustafa Hijazi, who died due to malnutrition and lack of medication in Deir al-Balah, Gaza. The photo is from June 14.
Ashraf Amra/Anadolu via Getty Images

While having breakfast, I saw the above picture from NPR (National Public Radio).

Seeing the mother clinging onto her child’s body makes my eyes teared up. This is unfair, unnecessary, and unjust. . . I scream inside.

Yes, war is cruel and unfair. But in modern warfare, rules of engagement dictate the innocent people be protected. Cutting off their food sources is not it.

I’m sadden by the picture and the cruelty and suffering that are happening in Gaza. It’s a tragedy stoked by human emotions. I hope history and their conscience will judge the perpetrators.

Think a Gaza truce is possible?

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