Everybody Needs Friends

Russian President Putin visits North Korea

Source: Reuters/ Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un ride an Aurus car in Pyongyang, North Korea. Picture released June 20. via KCNA

President Putin met Kim Jung Un in Pyongyang, North Korea this Wednesday.

Above is a picture showing them riding in an Aurus, a gift from Putin (71) to Kim (40). What intrigued me is how happy they looked together.  Even dictators need friends, I thought to myself.

Both men have a lot in common: authoritarian rulers, not a lot of friends, sanctioned by the US, and never lost an election. I can imagine it’s lonely at the top. Issues of national or even worldly matter at their beck and call that are keeping them cooped up at their respective palaces.

Naturally, they are eager to get out, enjoy a joyride, and breathe some fresh air. This must be a treat for them. Let alone, doing it together and thumbing their noses at the Americans at the same time.  I can almost hear their laughter.

After all, it’s human nature that everyone needs friends.

Don’t you that Putin and Kim deserve each other?




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