Hanging Out (With Self)

Yes, me and myself are hanging out on Christmas Day.  Not because I am home alone or lonely.  In fact, just the opposite – my house is full of relatives visiting for the holidays from out of town.    Any chance for a bit of me-time is prescription for my soul.

# # #

Me.  So, what is on your mind?  Anythings interesting?

Myself.  Well, the end of the year is right around the corner.  This reminds me to set goals for the next year.

Me.  Great, have you set  any goals for next year?

Myself.  No, not really, but I have some ideas.

Me.  Let’s hear some of these ideas if you don’t mind sharing.

Myself.  Okay, first I would like to develop good habits and eliminate bad ones.

Me.  Hmm….interesting. Like what do you have in mind?


Have you tried hanging out with yourself? How did it go?

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2 Responses to Hanging Out (With Self)

  1. Hanging out with myself is the best 🙂 but we don’t set expectations – we just indulge in quiet times and writing and reading and looking out the window dreaming of alternative lives and revelling in laziness.
    You are an inspiration and a mystery as the joys of exercise have never been clear to me. My preferences have always been different – see above 😉
    Happy New Year


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