Awkward Handshake

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This morning after the pickleball, a fellow player stuck his hand out to me before departing and said, good game.


This common ritual, bannished during the Coronavirus pandemic as a result of social distancing, has caught me by surprise. A touch of paddles, a fist bump, or a handwave may be. But a handshake? Now?

It was an awkward moment for me. I clumsily protruded my hand, semi-crashed his extended hand, and shook it randomly. This gesture was part of the business portocol before I retired. And I had it down to an art form: the degree of firmness, number of shake, and eye contact. Don’t forget the eye contact.

No more.All gone.

All I could squeezed out was, yeah, see you next time. Awkard.

Do you still shake hand?


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1 Response to Awkward Handshake

  1. earthskyair says:

    Yep, you bet! Hugs, too! 🤝😀

    Liked by 1 person

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