Week in Review – 21 Apr 2024

We all know climate change is causing imbalances to our planet. To wit, this past Wednesday, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, received a year worth of rain in one day. That sounds crazy? Yes, but should not be surprised.

Because how we deal with our symbiotic environment has consequences. It would be naive to think otherwise. If one had failed to file a tax return or extension by the tax day, you bet there will be consequence. Like it or not, anger & fear would be the natural reactions that come with the decision.

Given a choice, I would not risk it. Not even in my dreams. Simply put, life is unpredictable and stress enough. Why exacerbate it? The fact that the Ukraine aid took so long to pass the US House of Representatives is beyond my comprehension. Lets see if it gets any better with the Senate next.

If the news and current events are making you feeling dead tired and overwhelmed, know that you’re not alone. At times like these, good to recognize that we do have choice. One of which is to prioritize self care – retreat from the hectic world and undertake true recreation could help.

Stay safe & have a nice week.

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