Ukraine Aid

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After six months, the US House of Representatives finally passed a $95.3 billion foreign aid package today for Ukraine (60.8), Israel (26.4), and Taiwan (8.1). First of all, foreign aid is a standard US policy to shore up our influences around the world. It is how we do business, nothing new or unusual.

What unusual about this package, however, is how long it has taken for the House to get its act together. Considering the funding that Ukraine critically needs to fight off the Russian invasion, six months is a long time in a two year plus war. Because the US holds a lion share of that funding.

Not fixing blame, but the consequence of our delay has become dire for Ukraine. Imaging day after day waiting for the assistance from the West, 180 days translate into family destroyed, property damaged, and hope denied.

We say we will stand with Ukraine at the onset of the war. Surely, we have let them down.

I suppose it’s better late than never. But from a strategic view, do you think our foreign aid policy is working well?

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