Day 4 Week 3 – Tempo Intervals

It is no secret that I don’t like tempo runs.  Tempo run pushes the threshold, specifically lactate threshold (the fastest pace without generating more lactic acid than the body can utilize and reconvert back into energy).  In other words, it pushes my limits.

Today’s schedule calls for tempo intervals or tempo runs broken into shorter time or distance.  The schedule has 2 mile warm up, 2 x 2 miles at 7:50 to 8:00 w/4 min rest, 2 mile cool down.

Two 2 mile tempo intervals at 7:50 to 8:00 pace!  On top of that it was raining.

There were a couple of surprises:

  • my times were as follows: 9:59, 9:25, (8:17, 7:49, 7:15, 7:52), 9:18, 9:33. Much better than I expected.
  • for the first time during the tempo intervals, I felt my diaphragm working hard in pushing the air in and out of my body; I thought that I was going to get stitches (but didn’t)
  • the rain while soaked my shoes was a light drizzle and did not pour until after my intervals (lucky me)
  • on a difficulty scale 1-5, I rate today’s workout a “3”,  Much better than anticipated

Did you ever get the diaphragm cramp? or any muscle cramps>

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